I started publishing a series of chapbooks in January 2021. Twelve have been produced, themed by my ever changing interests in photography. One month found me studying just one local lighthouse, another month I was shooting a quarry and another, I shot entirely in infrared.
‘Breakout’ On The Way
Reading Caspar Henderson’s 21st Century Bestiary, reminded me that the Czech poet and immunologist Miroslav Holub defined the ‘dimension of the present moment’ as a little less than three seconds.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
Fantastic Leaves Sent
You might credit the idea for this chapbook theme to Irish sculptor John Behan. I have seen one of his“Bronze Birds in Flight”whipped and wrapped by a trained wisteria. It was reconfigured as an inversion of power, an unintended green tableau, in which the entwining organic leaves appeared to restrain, if not smother, the metal-frozen doves.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
Coastal Birds Mailed
This chapbook series started during a time when our movement was restricted to 5 km from home. Here, on the suburban coast of south County Dublin, two thirds of that area is offshore.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
Textured Chapbook Posted
Texture is a part of every sense in your sensorium.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
Minimism Chapbook Posted
Sometimes an adverb is enough, as illustrated by poet Diarmuid Fitzgerald:
in the marshes
without my map –
joyously lost
Thames Way: haiku and tanka (Alba, 2015, page 27)
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.