Hi there, I’m Simon.
I’m Simon Robinson, an Irish photographer based in Dublin. I enjoy all forms of photography, formerly a hobby during my first career as a geologist who became a geophysicist and earth scientist.
I’ve always liked long distance walking. So much so that I had planned to walk from Manchester to Rome in 2020 with a friend. Pandemic overtook us and the walk was repeatedly postponed. Eventually we compromised and cycled to Rome in September / October 2023.
This journal was started as practice for journaling the Rome excursion. It started with thoughts seeded by events in my day, some of which might have been better kept in. It was never about cats nor demons.
I used to blog about my walking while fundraising during training for charity walking events.
here Walking Commentary2010
here WalkingCommentary2011
here WalkingCommentary2017
and elsewhere now lost.
You can also find me, Simon Robinson, and my scarves and chapbooks at fabhappy.com and Instagram as Bracket Books Ireland.