We turned on the TV this morning to hear that the Suez Canal backlog was cleared. After paying the normal $500,000 transit fee per ship, the 400 or so delayed vessels are all plying their trade again. And there, to illustrate the news story, was an aircraft carrier. The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower had also passed through the canal. And typing 400 reminds me that this is journal 400.
[Read more…] about Suez CarrierChapbooks
No Way To Rome (Yet)
‘We should have walked to Buxton today. It should have been the first stage of the trip to Rome … We’ll do it same time next year .. it’ll be 18 daily hikes before we can catch the Dover ferry to cross to France. And then, well, then it’ll be a mere 96 daily hikes to get to dinner in Rome’ or so I wrote this day last year.
[Read more…] about No Way To Rome (Yet)March Magnolias
‘March, the month when magnolias rule our world’ wrote Thomas Pakenham in The Company of Trees, a gift last December that inspired me to test his opinion.
Our local 5 km pandemic travel radius is coast-cropped. We only had access to 37 km2 for exercising and magnolia hunting. I stopped counting after finding over 80 specimens in 26 days of peering into suburban gardens.
[Read more…] about March MagnoliasTrees, Power and Ship
I was sent home by the police recently. I was stopped at a road block and in truth, I couldn’t justify my travel as essential. I explained that I was less than 5 km from home and that I was headed for a walk in order to take photographs of trees for an upcoming book. ‘That’s hardly essential work’ he said while his colleague was clearly issuing a fine to the driver ahead of me.
‘I’ll go home then’
I could tell you a story or two to explain why I’ve not been posting journals for a few weeks. Instead, I’ll tell you that I’ve been occupied on my next chapbook project. I’ve been consumed by what I needed to learn in order to make it worth doing.
Screensavers and Proteins Part 2
‘I can type because there are proteins that help me do it.’ That’s what I wrote several days ago. Then I took you on a journey that included workstations, screensavers and medical research. What I didn’t do was explain why I was writing about proteins in the first place. And I never mentioned actin nor myosin.
‘… proteins are a marvel of efficient organization over emotional compromise and social politics.’
Golden hour bird in a tranquil northern lee, silhouetted bird amidst gilded chaotic open waters to the south.