The Wild Atlantic Way
There had been a plan to walk from Manchester to Rome in 2020. It was thwarted by SARS-CoV-2 restrictions in 2020 and again in 2021. I considered walking one of the world’s longest defined coastal routes instead. The Wild Atlantic Way traces the rugged, indented western coast of Ireland, some 2600 km, the same distance as those pilgrim trails the pandemic put beyond reach.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
I used an old camper van to explore some of the route, only to confirm what others had warned. The Wild Atlantic Way was designed to be driven, perhaps cycled. It’s certainly not safely walkable along the whole of its length.
My summer excursions to several sections reminded me that it is an amazing coastline. Maybe there will come a day when the Wild Atlantic Way is upgraded with safe pathways and the hostelries needed to accommodate the tens of thousands that would surely come if it became a unified, national hiking trail.
Wild Ways is the last of a dozen planned free issues in 2021 of a monthly chapbook of my photography. Any of the individual chapbooks are available for online purchase through FabHappy and TheUpliftKit.
They were issued by the calendar month, each edition limited to 200 copies, each copy uniquely numbered and posted at the end of each month. Price per copy is 10 plus postage. Where you live determines if that’s 10 USD or 10 Euro or 10 Sterling. You can chose to buy all 12 of the 2021 series for 100 currency units and that special offer is inclusive of packing and postage.
Thanks to a groundswell of support, the chapbooks will continue for another year. The annual price is dropped for early subscribers and each 2022 edition will be limited to 100 copies.
You can read how to subscribe here. Or skip directly to the payment page here.
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