Texture is a part of every sense in your sensorium.
Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
The International Standards Organisation specifies ISO 11036:2020, a method for developing a texture profile of food products. It covers cosmetics too. In this context, qualities such as rich, creamy, rubbery, chewy and mealy are measurable.
The nose recognises texture in scents whether perfume or whiskey. Fragrant fluids can be tight, gritty, slick or smooth and much more besides.
Musicians hear music as a melange of tempo, melody, rhythm, harmony and timbre. These textured attributes enable a definition of both how the sounds are organised and their musical quality.
Textile weavers have long known that the surface quality and structure of their fabrics are determined by the arrangement and thickness of threads. Petrologists use texture to help classify rocks as crystalline, fragmental, aphanitic and glassy.
Texture as perceived through drawn, painted or printed media piques interest, exposes patterns and hopefully, evokes emotions.
Textured is the eighth chapbook or photozine in the initial series of 12 being published monthly in 2021. The initial aim of the chapbooks was to bring some temporary relief from the restrictions of the pandemic. The books illustrate the restrictions though a series of images collected from within the restricted space I have been able to roam in South County Dublin, a five kilometre radius from home.
The copies of Textured for the growing list of subscribers went directly into the post this week. The chapbooks are printed on recycled paper and we’re still trying to work out how to use sustainable inks.
Additional copies of all of the chapbooks are available now at outlets like FabHappy or this WalkingCommentary site. Priced at 10 euro or 10 pounds or 10 dollars (plus P+P) depending on your IP address.
You can also subscribe for the full set of 12 for 100 units of one of these currencies. That’s two issues for free. And wait, there’s more. For the full, one year subscription, I’ll even throw in the P+P, an additional saving of no less than €13.20. Once the 200 copies of each edition are gone, they really are gone.
Bracket Books Ireland links:
The Bracket Books chapbooks are available for online purchase through FabHappy and TheUpliftKit but perhaps the best thing is to enquire here. They’re being issued by the calendar month, each edition limited to 200 copies, each copy uniquely numbered and posted at the end of each month. Price per copy is 10 plus postage. Where you live determines if that’s 10 USD or 10 Euro or 10 Sterling. Subscribe for 12 editions for 100 of your USD, Euro or Sterling choice and we’ll gladly cover the postage.
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