I wonder what Bernard Shaw would have made of social attitudes today?
‘Human society is like a glacier … it is really flowing like a river’ opined Shaw.

© Simon Robinson 20190707
I wonder what Bernard Shaw would have made of social attitudes today?
‘Human society is like a glacier … it is really flowing like a river’ opined Shaw.
It should be a simple thing, to know which is my favourite book that I have read this calendar year.
Because I keep an idea of my favourite books over time, a relative assessment always brings with it the question of absolute best. Absolutes refer to testable truths but what is truth?
I tend to read a lot of books about science. The extraordinary thing about reading recent books on science is the number of times that you read phrases like ‘no one knows if this will prove to be the case’. I find this uncertainty very reassuring. The demand, indeed the onus, on us all is to keep reading to keep learning.
We went to an art exhibition today. While it was the first ever exhibition of Piet Mondrian’s work to be held in Ireland, it was also a jewel of an exhibition, a worthy treat after ten months of isolation from what are today considered unnecessary activities.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Mondrian because it was through his art that I came to appreciate the path of deconstruction from realism to abstraction, something my father pointed out to me. This show featured early landscapes and a progression to his abstracted geometric paintings. I suspect that it’s because of Mondrian that my favourite items to photograph are reflections and other distortions of reality.
Let’s think about delusion for a few minutes. [It gets a bit ranty below but it’s a daily journal not paid journalism.]
I heard that people in English pubs are throwing away the food they must buy in order to purchase alcohol. If we aren’t surprised, shouldn’t we wonder about addiction? And the motives behind opening the pubs?
Or perhaps it’s just the cost of meeting your mates when stress needs some relief. To the punter, the discarded meal is just the cost of a pint. Why not have two rather than three? Job done.
This is our cat as was in a photo taken this day 2008 with a new Canon DSLR. I think you can see she was as inscrutable, more likely tolerantly bored, as she’d ever been in the last fifteen years. Can you see in her face that she knew enough about deception to be able to catch unwary garden birds?
I have lots of reason to like this picture. Chief among them is that it’s of an echium that lived in our front garden for the usual 18 months. It came from the first seed that germinated, sprouted, grew and thrived from a batch of seeds that was given to us by a very keen gardener and friend who died earlier this year.