Flann O’Brien named bicyclosis for what it is; an exchange of matter between two seats. Yours and the bicycle. So what might you call the exchange of molecules between tyres and tar-sealed paths? Roadiculosis perhaps?
caroline criado perez
Winter Book Season
It was wonderful to get a selection of books as presents this holiday. One my new treats is this year’s winner of the Royal Society Prize for Science Books, Explaining Humans by Camilla Pang. However, I have a few to finish before I can begin to enjoy the new haul. One of those unfinished treats is last year’s winner.

Bill Bryson’s Body
I’ve gone down another rabbit hole with Bill Bryson. I’ve been along for the ride with him several times as he made ‘notes’ from small islands and big continents. And his idea of a history of nearly everything was great fun. His idea for The Body as A Guide for Occupants has been as enjoyable and informative a read as any of his books.