It’s the consonants that give meaning to language. In fact, it’s the impediments to our breath that give sense to what passes for speech.
Liquid Amber Maple Cherry
It’s the consonants that give meaning to language. In fact, it’s the impediments to our breath that give sense to what passes for speech.
I went out into the garden this morning with a scissors. I clipped some leaves off a winter cherry, an acer, a butterfly bush, a willow and a wisteria. It’s autumn and the chlorophyll has been breaking down for weeks. The greens have been shifting to the shorter spectral wavelengths of yellow, orange and red as their hosts conserve energy for the winter. And it’s this process of energy conservation that creates the splendid autumn scenes that rival the flowering of spring. I blotted and pressed the leaves dry and flat before making arrangements on the scanner bed.
If Bertrand Russell was right, my uncertainties make me wise. While I’m not sure that’d be true for me, I think I’d trade most of my insights for a degree of certainty. Of course, that’s hypothetical, I don’t have any certainty that I’d make that trade if ever such a time came.
I think you should enjoy seeing Robert Fisk at work in ‘This Is Not A Movie’. I don’t know where you might see it but like today’s newspapers, it’ll probably be on a digital screen. We watched it on Amazon Prime so I know that’s one source.
‘So you’ve reached your legacy years?’ said a colleague as we discussed photographs. Not so much photographs as photography. I’d just admitted to spending many evenings scanning or digitising strips of photographic negatives.
The news from the USA today is about elections. Except that it’s not news. It’s just information from the four compass points that give us the English word. North includes the rust belt where the action is likely to be in Wisconsin and Michigan. East ranges down to the stroke belt but includes Pennsylvania where voting angst is normal. South includes the sun belt and the demographically changed golf resort called Arizona. And way out West, California is a dominant state that could have the 5th biggest economy in the world, were the most populous state to secede. That state economy is bigger than India’s and it’s running a citizen for VPotus. A citizen with ancestral roots in India.
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