‘Landscape photographer Michael Kenna said that he tries to ‘invite viewers into the frame to imagine, experience, sit awhile, meditate, be calm and quiet for some moments, before returning to their busy activities.’

Available now from Bracket Books Ireland at outlets like FabHappy or WalkingCommentary.
Dalkey Quarry is at the weld of an ancient collision of Europe with America. The Iapetus Ocean drained as the Wicklow Mountains rose from the impact. Magma upwelled into the fracturing crust, forming a batholith of granite.
Some 420 million years passed before the rock was repurposed by the hands of artisans as harbour piers, boundary walls and buildings.
I chose a ledge that was cut over a century ago as a vantage point. I gathered a second of spring light in one scene. I quarried and repurposed the rock yet again.’
Quarried is the fourth chapbook or photozine in the initial series of 12 being published monthly in 2021. The aim of the chapbooks is to bring some temporary relief from the restrictions of the pandemic. The books illustrate the restrictions though a series of images collected from within the restricted space I can roam in South County Dublin.
The copies of Quarried for the growing list of subscribers went directly into the local postal sorting office this evening.
Additional copies of all of the chapbooks are available now at outlets like FabHappy or this WalkingCommentary site. Priced at 10 euro or 10 pounds or 10 dollars (plus P+P) depending on your IP address, you can also subscribe for the full set of 12 for 100 units of one of these currencies (free P+P).
Like all commercial enterprises, the more I sell, the longer I can continue. As it stands today, I won’t be able to continue into 2022. By then, my roaming area is expected to have expanded and maybe I’ll revert to Walking Commentary. Perhaps this part of Bracket Books will have to be retired. I think that would be a shame.
Bracket Books Ireland links:
The Bracket Books chapbooks are available for online purchase through FabHappy and TheUpliftKit but perhaps the best thing is to enquire here. They’re being issued by the calendar month, each edition limited to 200 copies, each copy uniquely numbered and posted at the end of each month. Price per copy is 10 plus postage. Where you live determines if that’s 10 USD or 10 Euro or 10 Sterling. Subscribe for 12 editions for 100 of your USD, Euro or Sterling choice and we’ll gladly cover the postage.
Well done Simon. Can’t wait to receive the new chapbook!