I could tell you a story or two to explain why I’ve not been posting journals for a few weeks. Instead, I’ll tell you that I’ve been occupied on my next chapbook project. I’ve been consumed by what I needed to learn in order to make it worth doing.

That doesn’t mean I stopped journaling my daily musings. I continued to note my observations as written, typed and dictated snippets. Finding the time for the finishing has been the problem. That’s in part because I do most of my thinking while walking but my current chapbook has been in my head instead. My eyes have been scanning for suitable photo ops and my brain trying to work how to incorporate interest or punctum in the studium. And then, back at my desk, my efforts have been directed at selecting and developing the pictures. And often realising that I needed to go out again to fail better.
- List
- The anniversary of the 2011 earthquake.
- On Magnolias.
- Plant brains.
- My photography training by iPhone
- The Dissident – a movie you really should see.
- Plants, power and ship.
- Green (or snakes) since it’s March 17
- Surprising Sand
- Altruism or xenophobia (reprised)
- Rugby Losses
- Chrome
- First Cheese
- Aground and Around
- DNA and behaviour
- Post Office
- Mary Robson
- Breathing Free
- Ants
So I’ll pick up where I left off and backfill the posts between then and now. But because of the order of posting this post will become the then (376) rather than the now (393).
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