Five things happened today that made this day very different.
1) I’d never known anything about ecclesiastical court sessions until today.
2) My latest photozine arrived back from the printers.
3) I received and read At The Water’s Edge Two Boats.
4) I went hunting magnolias with a member of the tree society as my guide.
5) I lost my phone and it was recovered in the post office.

All five are potentially stories and posts in their own right. But brevity is called for today because, in this house at least, one story trumps the others and I think we should savour it.
The appeal for Margaret Keane took all day and it was watched in this house on Zoom.
Insta: #messagetomargaret Tweet: @my_mums_voice
Then, after a brief recess that followed the end of the session at 1730, the Court of Arches announced that the appeal is to be granted. This is, imho, the most reasonable outcome. And I’d be giving major credit to the all-women, all-Irish legal team that got it done.
In ár gcroíthe go deo will finally be allowed to appear without translation on Margaret Keane’s headstone in Coventry. And that is how it should have been in the first instance.
Come back tomorrow to read about kayaking around Ireland. I’ll get to finish the post once I get the rest of the photozines into the other kind of post.
Post Script: News Article SEARCH with Google.
We have tree creepers in our garden and I always spot them and think they are like mice running around the tree. So agile and a beautiful photo.