I posted late last year about a recent case in England where the Ecclesiastical Court of the Church of England in Coventry refused permission for the family of Margaret Keane to include an inscription in Irish on her gravestone without translation.

The family are appealing and there is a campaign from 14th – 24th February (the date of the Appeal) to gain support. Read on to see how you can help the campaign, Message to Margaret / @My_Mums_Voice.
I think it’s hard to ignore deriding undertones to this ruling when a mouse can quickly expose untranslated inscriptions in Welsh and Polish and other languages documented in Anglican cemeteries around England. It seems to me that there is both a denial of free speech and a conflict of interest in this case. Queen Elizabeth rules over lands where Irish is spoken and she rules over the Church that bans it.
A chairde, if free speech matters, so does the language that is spoken and inscribed.
- With continuing thanks to Spike Milligan, my earlier post is here:
https://walkingcommentary.net/2020/11/27/i-told-you - Libran Writer’s post is here:
https://libranwriter.wordpress.com/2021/02/11/message-to-margaret-campaign-margaret-keane-gravestone-case/ - Fiona Audley in the Irish Post: https://bit.ly/375tw0y
- Martina Devlin in the Independent: https://bit.ly/3aXI9Ee
Afterword 210215: Martina Devlin reports that the British Labour Party backs family’s battle to have Irish grave inscription.
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