I’ve selected twenty five images from among the many that I took this year. And I’ve chosen one as my favourite. I told its story here on Christmas Day and the picture makes me smile every time I see it. And it’s not even a proper photo, four months after the initial idea, it’s a cropped snap from an iPhone. That’s surely reason enough to make it my favourite from the 305 days of this journal.

Others might curate my efforts differently but here are my next twenty four favourites (in no particular order).
For me, personal satisfaction outranks other selection criteria. Each of these is open for interpretation, each has the potential to tell a slightly different story to each viewer. Each has a hidden story of planning, creation, technology, location, development and of course, the failures that accompany them. These are twenty five photographs that make me very happy to be a photographer.
These were all taken during the first ten months and several waves of the Covid-19 pandemic. The furthest afield was taken just 12 kilometres from home, the rest of the scenes were found no more than four kilometres from my desk. We didn’t stray very far this year at all.
I hope my favourite camera will recover soon. And if it can be saved, I trust Canon will also clean the sensor.
All images © Simon Robinson 2020 including the several versions posted elsewhere in this journal, all derivative aspect ratios and a few that were squared for Instagram.
Contact me by comments here or via FabHappy if you have further interest.
Fabulous images, Simon.